Very Inspiring Blogger Award

What a surprise I had during the week, a message from Vasudha Aggarwal from Travel Defined. Vasudha advised she enjoys exploring our blog which is such a lovely compliment, but the awesome part was yet to come. Vasudha was nominating us for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”.
We have only been blogging for 10 months and already received a Liebster Award, Versatile Blogger Award and Blogger of the week where we were interviewed on Radio 2GB. What a boost to the confidence to have yet another nomination from a fellow blogger. To receive this nomination is confirmation another blogger is interested in what we have to say. But to be nominated alongside eight other top bloggers, who we read and admire is very inspiring for us.
This ‘Very Inspiring Blogger Award’ is passed onto only a handful of the many blogs in this wonderful world of blogging.
The conditions are:
- Thank the blogger who gives it.
- Nominate bloggers for the award.
- Let these bloggers know that you have nominated them.
So I extend a very grateful ‘thank you’ to Vasudha and would like to pass on a nomination to the following:
There are many travel bloggers who inspire us and we want to pass on some inspiration to some of them and we encourage you to follow their blog and social media.
I’m really honoured, thanks Lyn and Steve! I’m writing a blog post about it now and hope to get that out tomorrow.
Suze the Luxury Columnist recently posted…Enchanting Kenilworth Castle and Elizabethan Gardens
You are most welcome Suze, I look forward to another great read from you.
Hi Lyn
Just wanted to thank you for the nomination, I have yet to nominate other bloggers as I am pushing to get the draft on my book to my editor by the middle of Feb – I’m limiting my time online.
I will be back in the wonderful world of the web more frequently and make my nominations once I have my manuscript of my desk!
Thank you again
Emma (
You are very welcome Emma, this nomination confirms how inspiring you are. Good luck with the draft.
Thanks so much for the nomination! You really made my weekend. I can’t wait to see where we both go from here! 😀
Adrian Ann recently posted…Guest Post: How to Stay in Newark on the Cheap
Thank you Adrian, for providing material worthy of the nomination, keep up the great work.
Thank you so much for the nomination! Feel very honoured and flattered that you would nominate my blog! I have only just recently started my travel blog (a few short months) so thank you so much! I look forward to following along with the travels from A Hole in My Shoe!
Bec recently posted…Bec’s Top Destinations: Santorini Part 3 – Nothing beats a Santorini sunset
You are very welcome Bec, love to have you tag along and see what we get up to. I am keen to see where your blog takes you.
Thanks for the nomination, Lyn! We’re honored to be nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, and we’re looking forward to seeing what’s next here on A Hole in My Shoe. Happy travels! 🙂
Diana Southern recently posted…Shot of the Week: Hump Day Jump Day (Malibu, USA)
You are most welcome Diana, continue the great work on North to South.