The charm of Belgrade in winter

Belgrade has a unique charm in winter, especially when you come from Australia and wake up to sight of snow. We’d been in Europe for six weeks, and although we’d experienced lots of cold weather had not seen any snow. Our train from Budapest arrived late in the afternoon leaving us less than 24 hours to see what we could of the Serbian capital.

Not knowing much about Belgrade, we had read it was gritty, lively and by no means a pretty city. Despite this, we were keen to explore and experience the Serbian culture. With no list of places to see, no maps to direct us, we had trust in our curiosity as our guide.

On arrival at the hotel we were impressed with the hospitality, the warm greeting and the impressive location in the Stari Grad municipality. The Courtyard Marriott, the first Marriott in Serbia, is located next door to the National Theatre and across the road from Republic Square and had only recently opened. The staff recommended we head to Skadarlija/Skadarska street, the bohemian area nearby to try some great Serbian restaurants. This area was home to many writers, poets and actors due to the close proximity of the National Theatre and is today a sister city to our favourite Parisian quarter, Montmartre.

Filled with restaurants and cafes we found the cobbled pedestrian street very ambient. Many of the buildings are painted trompe l’oeil style which added to the atmosphere. In spite of the area having a touristy feel, it still offers a lot of charm. Returning in daylight the following morning,  the deserted streets had even more charm. The statue of Dura Jaksic, the famous Serbian poet, painter, writer now had snow building on it.

Back to Republic Square, usually filled with people waiting to meet someone, we were almost in solitude as the snow fell around us. With landmarks like the majestic National Theatre, Serbian National Museum and statue of Prince Michael, the central town square is where many tours begin. From the square, the main boulevard, Knez Mihailova, usually a lively pedestrian thoroughfare, is lined with historical buildings, grandiose coffee houses and numerous boutiques. During the festive season the sparkling decorations and winter euphoria at night were a contrast to the unique charm it has during the day. Words can’t describe the winter atmosphere of the streets of Belgrade, it is something you must see, experience and feel.

The boulevard leads to a beautiful landscaped park offering the best views of the city. Kalemegdan Park is located on a hill overlooking the Sava and Danube confluence and the fog just added to the beauty. With the snow falling through the fog, the views across the Danube and Sava were spectacular. Snow covers the ground and ice is forming on the rivers, we keep walking until we reached the entrance of Belgrade Fortress. The city’s most famous landmark, with its massive 15th century gates and towers, the maze of trenches and walls that have been a safeguard for hundreds of years, is an imposing site. The grounds have a Military Museum and acts as a memorial to the Roman, Turkish and Serbian leaders buried there. High on the city’s hilly park the cold grips, but we are wrapped up warm and enchanted with the sights, almost oblivious to the -16c temperature.

So many people were shocked when we said we were visiting Belgrade. They seemed to be concerned that it would still be war-torn, and filled with oppressive buildings and a depressing vibe. This wasn’t the case at all and we were so pleased we didn’t allow their opinions to deter us from our first visit to Belgrade in winter. Even if Belgrade isn’t on your bucket list, you may just find like Ellis from Backpack Adventures you might be in for a pleasant surprise.

Belgrade really surprised us, from the taxi driver, to the hotel and restaurant staff, the people were friendly and genuinely interested in where we came from. Everyone was smiling and made us feel welcomed. ‘Belgrade’ literally translates as ‘White City’. We highly recommend you see Belgrade and feel the magic of winter in the white city. If you visit Belgrade in winter you can also allow the euphoric atmosphere to be your guide.

Have you been to Belgrade? Would you consider visiting to see the beauty of winter?

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*All opinions and photos are our own and we were not financially compensated for this post.

17 Responses

  1. Winoti says:

    Love your story of belgrade. I am in belgrade right now and yes it is very beautiful despite the freezing cold. And I come from tropical country. Your story inspires me to see more of the city while I am here.

  2. FRANKLIN says:

    Nice blog. Love it and i really enjoy reading it. Yes, it’s in my bucket list.

  3. Chloe says:

    Aww so cold but yet so beautiful! I love how gorgeous the snow and christmas lights make everything look!! Looks like a winter wonderland!! Great post!

  4. We’ve never been to Belgrade, but have seen some great pictures. Adding the snow just makes it seem more picturesque! Would love to visit – snow or not.
    Rob+Ann @TravelLatte(.net) recently posted…How Disney World Changed My Travel StyleMy Profile

  5. Suze says:

    Those trompe l’oeil buildings are very cool and the snow just adds to the atmosphere. What is the food like there, any local specialties?
    Suze recently posted…8 True Moments for Atypical Tourists in LanzaroteMy Profile

  6. Nancie says:

    I’ve been to Spain and Portugal in the winter, but never to the colder countries/cities in Europe. I prefer the heat to cold, but your gorgeous photos could tempt me. Thanks for linking up. #TPThursday

  7. Mike Simms says:

    I have been to Belgrade 5 times in the past three years. I fell in love with it from the very first day that I was there. It’s selfish to say, but I hope that it doesn’t get tons of tourists. It’s perfectly imperfect and and has such a genuine feel to it. Have never had better food than in Belgrade as well!

  8. David says:

    I have to say, I’ve seen photos of Belgrade, but I’ve never seen more atmosphere and charm in them than yours with the snow. With the decaying facades, the snow makes the photos look complete and they’re just great. Serbia is one of the few balkan countries I haven’t been to but this has got me thinking. Thanks for sharing, #wkendtravelinspiration
    David recently posted…Weekend Spots for Locals on Vienna’s OutskirtsMy Profile

  9. As you know I love how magical snow makes everything look. I would now love to visit Belgrade …in winter.
    Paula McInerney recently posted…7 Fun Activities to do in SydneyMy Profile

  10. I love the snow in the streets – something you rarely see in Australia.
    Lyn aka The Travelling Lindfields recently posted…The Great Victorian Rail Trail: Australia’s Longest Rail TrailMy Profile

  11. Rhonda Albom says:

    I would love to visit Belgrade but I think I would do it in the summer. I think it is fascinating to see the eastern European countries and how they have emerged from the Communist era.
    Rhonda Albom recently posted…Dramatic Black and White Photos of Lysefjord in NorwayMy Profile

  12. Wow -16 is totally freezing but the snow and the lovely photographs you took must have made it worthwhile. I love European cities in the snow – definitely something I am going to miss as we move to Australia for a few years soon (though maybe all that sunshine will make up for it!!)
    Tracy McConnachie Collins recently posted…Around the World in 80 Books Part 3My Profile

  13. Ruth says:

    I am not sure why people still have these negative images about Eastern European countries and cities. Things have changes a lot in those places. I got a lot of puzzled faces when I said I was going to visit Busapest and Krakow. People talked to me like they were never going to see me again. I am glad you visit Belgrade. Looks like a city with a really cool and friendly vibe. I will visit without a doubt. #wkendtravelinspiration #TPThursday
    Ruth recently posted…Why you have to Walk the Brooklyn BridgeMy Profile

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