Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Just what is sisterhood? It is a bond between two or more girls, who always tell the truth and honour each other. I am so excited to be part of a sisterhood, in blogging.
Blogging is a real community spirit, camaraderie, a sisterhood. We learn from each other, we have those who champion us, those who teach us the ropes and we all support each other. Some people don’t understand the satisfaction of writing a blog and inspiring others to travel, so thank you to you all for your support. But mostly thank you to Melody from Wherever I May Roam for welcoming me into the sisterhood via a nomination for Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.
“Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award recognizes the unique voices of women bloggers around the world.” I am truly blessed to be amongst a great group of people who like, comment and share our posts, especially Melody for recognition of this award. Thank you for considering me Melody.
After looking into the rules I must acknowledge the blogger that nominated me, answer her 10 questions, nominate 10 worthy bloggers and ask them 10 questions. I accept the conditions, so read on.
The answers to my questions from Melody are:
Where is your happy place?
My happy place isn’t somewhere you will find on a map, it is a state of mind, a comfort zone, anywhere with my husband is my happy place.
Are you a fan of cruises and if so, what is your favorite cruise line?
Yes, we love cruising and have written several cruise related posts. Princess Cruises, allows you to escape completely and is the only cruiseline we have sailed with but we are booked on an Avalon River cruise in December so it will be interesting how that compares to ocean cruises.
What is the least favourite destination you have been to?
Venice, but not because of the destination. When we arrived there I was sick and as we were only there two days made a real effort to soldier on and explore the area. We went to a local restaurant for a set menu meal and the waiter was getting offended that I wasn’t eating the food. Fortunately the dessert was profiteroles and I must say it ended with neither of us being disappointed.
Did you ever plan a trip solely because a fictional movie or book was set there?
Not a trip, but I did ‘lose’ myself on the Charles Bridge in Prague recalling the filmclip to Tear Us Apart sung my Michael Hutchence from INXS
What is the best museum you have ever been to?
We enjoy Museum visits and found Powerhouse Museum in Sydney one of the best. Ironically we had tickets to see Strictly Ballroom the stage show and on display in Powerhouse at the time were there were all the costumes from the original movie. They had lots of amazing inventions, fashions, etc on display.
How did you come up with the name for your blog?
We literally walked so much in Europe that I wore out 3 pair shoes. Being a shoe lover, I just knew there had to be shoe theme in there somewhere.
What are your 3 biggest pet peeves when traveling?
Smokers, people with bad manners who take up all the time in front of the landmark, etc taking their photo not being considerate of everyone else wanting to capture the moment too and people who won’t queue.
List your top 3 bucket list destinations
This changes all the time, but currently Morocco, Portugal and an around the world cruise. One powerball and I’m there.
What is your favourite form of social media to participate in? Your least?
They all have different applications and I enjoy most social media. I never really got the hang of Tumblr and I have a soft spot for Facebook merely because I got 1000 organic followers within the first month, mostly due to the support from Facebook groups. I am enjoying Instagram and will soon have 1,000 followers. Being such a dynamic medium, I have just enrolled in a course for Social Media and Marketing to give me new knowledge.
What is your most successful post on your blog to date?
How do you gauge success? Is it number of visits or interaction? I think interaction rates higher than pages views, but I’ll give you both. Bali, Beyond beer and beaches has the most comments and Boranup Karri Forest has the highest page views. But if you gauge it on combing the two factors then the post I wrote last week, Romantic travel tips is rating very well and could trump them both in time.
Now a drum roll… This was so hard to limit to ten, as there are so many worthy of this, but my nominations for ten women who inspire and support me are…
- Malinda, My Brown Paper Packages
- Allane, Packing my Suitcase
- Fairlie, Feet on Foreign Lands
- Shruti, MszKnowitall
- Molly, Piccavey
- Amanda, Burger Abroad
- Brianna, Casual Travelist
- Monica, We Travel Together
- Margherita, The Crowded Planet
- Heidi, Wagoners Abroad
Please head over to their website and show some love.
Finally, my questions for the ten amazing women I nominated for Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.
- What is your the memorable food you’ve had while travelling?
- If for some reason you couldn’t return home and could no longer travel, where would you settle?
- Where is the one place on your bucket list that everyone asks why you want to go there?
- Have you met anyone famous while travelling?
- What is the most risky thing you have done while travelling?
- Where do you want to travel to the most?
- What is the best advice you can give a new blogger?
- What is your most read blog?
- When you are not travelling and blogging you are… ?
- Is there anything you collect from your travels?
Hats off to all the nominees. Each of you have been chosen because of the unique individualities in your blog style and photography that makes each of you wordsmiths and inspirational bloggers. I appreciate you are all busy and may choose not to accept the award, and that is ok. I just want to thank each of you for taking time away from your blog to assist with a like, a comment, a retweet, hosting or participating in a linkup or your part in one of the many Facebook support groups.
Finally, please follow Melody and show her the same sisterhood support, she showed me.
UPDATE: We have since received a nominations from Curious Claire Travels, thank you Claire.
Do you have a favourite blogger, someone who provides inspiration and support? Were they included in my list?
If you liked this post, please share or like via the buttons below or if you have something to say please leave a comment.
I finally got around to answering 😀
I enjoyed the read Malinda, congrats on your other nominations.
Thank you for passing on this award, because Fairlie then passed it on to me! We’re counting down to our first cruise in October (Disney in the Caribbean). Can. Not. Wait! Thank you for linking up with #teamwanderlust.
Kirralee @ Escape With Kids recently posted…5 ways to help your child sleep on holiday
Congratulations Kirralee, no doubt about it Fairlie has great taste. I am sure you will be addicted to cruising once you get onboard. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Coming to you from Fairlie’s Feet on Foreign Lands. I really enjoyed the Powerhouse Museum, too, even though it was the scene of one of my most embarrassing travel moments. There was a Wallace and Grommet exhibit about inventions, and one of the fictional inventions was a Shower-oke (a karaoke in a shower). My girl and I went in, grabbed the sprayer as our microphone and sang our off-key hearts out. When I emerged, people slowly clapped, and I realized my “performance” had been broadcast over the speakers in the room.
Michele {Malaysian Meanders} recently posted…Sorrento, Italy: Where Life Gives You Lemons
Oh dear Michele, that would be something I could see myself doing. So glad you can laugh about it now. Thanks so much for stopping by with your embarrassing travel moment.
What a fun post! Sorry Venice was so rough and that’s a shame. Hope you get to go back for a do-over.
Kim Cunningham recently posted…Little Things Thursday
It was all good Kim, it ended with profiteroles so can’t complain 🙂 Thank you for your comment.
You’re such a doll! Thank you so much for the award. And I am totally accepting it because it’s my first. Love you to bits.
And your questions were fabulous..
And Morocco.. sigh… soon some day.. soon!
Shruti recently posted…Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award
Shruti I am so pleased we are part of the same sisterhood and even happier that you joined in for your first ‘award’. Heading over to check our your responses.
I agree, yay to sisterhood amongst bloggers. I am so happy to have made so many new friends through blogging. Great answers to some great questions – it was lovely finding out more about you Lyn! Thanks for sharing on #MondayEscapes
Ting at My Travel Monkey recently posted…Time Travel Thursdays: Antigua
Ting I am in awe of so many incredible bloggers, these posts that get passed along are a great way to acknowledge and get to know each other. #MondayEscapes is another great way to mingle, thanks for being a great host.
Just want to say thanks for nominating me, I’ve joined in and answered your questions 🙂
Monica @WeTravelTogether recently posted…The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award
Monica, thank you for joining in. I loved reading your answers and have a left a comment on your page.
Congrats on the nomination! I love your response to “What is your happy place”! Venice is also my least favorite place I’ve been so far, I always say it’s overrated!
Thank you Tara. This was a fun post to write.
Congrats on such a special award! I’ve just recently started following you and your page is great!! You deserve it! #MondayEscapes
Thanks so much for following along Lolo and I’m happy we found each other to follow through #MondayEscapes
Love your answers! What a great way to get to know other bloggers. 🙂
Crysta recently posted…Florida: Ponce Inlet Lighthouse
It sure is Crysta, I am having lots of reading through those I nominated that have responded. Thank you for stopping by.
Such great answers! Hopefully I will make it to Morocco sometime soon 😀 <3
Thank you so much for the award, for thinking of me!!
Though it has been a while that I dont accept awards anymore 🙁 sorry!
However, I will share this post all over my social media channels and will always be grateful!
Packing my Suitcase recently posted…Reviewed: Le Coupe-Chou, Paris
Allane, I am hoping we will make it to Morocco one day, hopefully it won’t be too far into the future. No problem about not joining in, I understand it is not for everyone as I already mentioned.
Thank you so much for including me in your list. I shall certainly try to do the questions and pass it on! Morocco is on the top of my list too, butI’m not sure when I’m going to make it there.
Fairlie recently posted…10 of my best-kept tips for travelling with older kids
I was very happy to nominate you Fairlie and cant wait to read your responses.
All done! Thanks for this Lyn. It was fun answering your questions.
Fairlie recently posted…The sisterhood of the travelling…bloggers
Ooh thanks Fairlie, can’t wait to head over for read 🙂
Wow thank you so much! I’m so honored for your kind words! I’ve already competed some so I’ve now made a mega SOTW award post! Thanks again!
Amanda recently posted…Icelandic Charm: Hotel Laxnes
It was fun reading all your responses Amanda, you are very worthy of the several nominations.
I really want to go to Morocco too!! Congrats on the award!
Thank you Anne, let us know what you think if you all get to Morocco before we do.
Congrats on the award and thank you so much for your heartfelt nomination. I will certainly try to find the time to answer your questions. Oh and I hate people who don’t line up too, frustrates me so much.
Malinda @mybrownpaperpackages recently posted…Friday Favourite: Kid Bucket List
Malinda you’re very welcome and I look forward to reading your responses.
Thanks for joining in #wednesdaywanderlust with this 🙂
Thanks for hosting this great linkup Malinda.
Oh this is so touching and personal. Thank you so much for our nomination and I can’t wait to answer our questions too.
Heidi Wagoner recently posted…Recipe For Disaster – The Ultimate Travel Day
You are most worthy Heidi and I can’t wait to read your response.