Travel with Mum

With all the restrictions that have been about in recent times, a lot of you have been wishing, hoping and praying the borders could open so they can start planning travel again. Whilst I can’t say I don’t share this wish when the time is right, recent times have had me reflecting on some of my most memorable trips, two of my favourites were the times I got to travel with Mum to Melbourne.
So put your feet up and join me as I reminisce.
A lifelong dream of Mum’s was to attend the Military Tattoo and in 2016 she and her 80 years twin sister finally got to book a trip to Melbourne to attend. At the last moment her twin sister became too unwell to go, so I stepped in to go along with Mum on her once in a lifetime trip.
I could see Mum got so much pleasure from our trip, with morning tea at Hopetoun Tearooms at the Block Arcade, feasting on quail at a gala dinner in the Grand Ballroom of the Windsor Hotel, a river cruise on the Yarra and experiencing sushi for the first time.
I had such enjoyment introducing her to street art in the many Melbourne laneways, and we ended each evening enjoying a Jack’s and coke together before retiring for the night. It was coincidental our trip took place at the end of the lunar year so a walk one day included the surprise with perfect timing to see Melbourne’s traffic come to a standstill for the Chinese New Year procession.
But the absolute highlight was seeing the pure delight on Mum’s face to finally witness the splendour of the pomp and circumstance of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. To say the enormity of an event like this where the world’s most liveable city invites 1,200 of the world’s most renowned military pipers, drummers and guards to perform in Australia’s largest and most significant spectacle, complete with life size replica of Edinburgh Castle was impressive is an understatement.
Dubbed the greatest show on earth it was an explosion of choreographed, music filled, tartan wearing military performers coming together to evoke emotions on the other wide of the world. And it wasn’t only the performers decked out in tartan. Mum proudly donned her Royal Stewart tartan kilt and was captivated with every second of the show.
This is a memory we will both treasure forever and it was a privilege to be together with Mum as she ticked off her bucket list wish to be present at this spectacular world class military event.
My Mum is not a seasoned traveller, which is why that trip meant so much. The only other trip Mum and I have ever taken together was a much needed trip back in 2010 after she nursed Dad at home before he passed away. Our trip together, also in Melbourne, where we got tickets for a few shows Mum had wanted to see. We saw Calendar Girls and Jersey Boys as Mum had always been a fan of Frankie Valli’s music.
Together we visited the War Memorial, National Gallery of Victoria and a glorious day in the Dandenong Ranges, with a Devonshire tea at Miss Marples in a very foggy Sassafras. Our hotel was in St Kilda so we just had to check out Luna Park. After a little treat to get her hair done, Mum enjoyed the task of trying to select a cake from the huge selection in St Kilda’s famous cake shops, which then earnt us a walk along St Kilda Pier.
We took silly selfies mimicking Mr Moon’s big mouth outside Luna Park, photos in Hosier Lane with Mum’s reaction to street art, and finally throwing a snowball at Mt Buller on Mums’ first time seeing snow.
Looking back on our photos makes me smile and I’m going to enjoy this Mother’s Day when I finally get to spend time with Mum again, looking through our photos together, reminiscing.
Raising me, Mum experienced many of my firsts, and these trips rewarded me both the pleasure and uniqueness of experiencing some of her firsts. I loved the fresh perspective of visiting one of my favourite cities and seeing it all again through Mum’s eyes.
Have you enjoyed a trip with your Mum? What about it was most memorable for you?
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That’s so wonderful you made the memories with your mom through travel. So many elderly adults don’t get that opportunity.