What Australia Day is to me

What is Australia Day?
I often hear people ask, “What is Australia Day?” To each of us it represents different things. For some it is just a day off work, to others it is a day of celebration, a BBQ with friends and family in the sunshine or a day to pack up an esky with cold snaggers and a few cold drinks and go watch the fireworks.
Or it could be a day of reflection, time to think about the European and Indigenous history that bought us to where we are today.
Google certainly put that thought in forefront today with their Google Doodle. Across the internet and social media are all the debates and pros and cons of the latest image. The theme was “If I could travel back in time I would…” and the young artist portrayed “a weeping mother sitting in an ochre desert, dreaming of her children and a life that never was… all that remains is red sand, tears and the whisper of her stolen dreamtime”.
Wow, how poignant. If you hadn’t before thought about how this hugely diverse population and can-do nation came to be, this artwork gives you a story to start with, reminding of the price that Indigenous people paid for our privilege.
Many Australians are aware of the past atrocities that occurred and others bury their head in the sand in ignorance of the past. Google puts it right out there with this amazing artwork as a tribute to Australia’s indigenous in a reminder of what the British settlers, early people and past politicians did.
It is sad what happened to the Aboriginals back then, how the Government treated their people and we can all learn from aboriginal culture. Unlike other countries, as an Australian child I did not learn about Aboriginal culture in school and not sure if it is included in all school curriculums today. If not, I believe that should change, we shouldn’t ignore what happened and just move on are to continue to build a positive future. Australian children and all Australians should be taught to understand the culture of our first people without being made to feel guilty for what the settlers did as ignoring our indigenous culture and history creates a lot of negativity.
I support an Australia Day of multiculturalism and want to celebrate our country and the beauty here. After all, diversity is Australia’s strength and we embrace the diverse cultures of our immigrant Australians in the Aussie spirit of eat, drink and be merry.
Food is a perfect example of some of the cultures we have learnt to accept and understand. Whilst this may conjure up a vision of “bush tucker” with our indigenous people’s unique hunter gatherer diet of witchetty grubs and bush berries, the British also strongly influenced our culinary taste. Today roast dinners of lamb or beef, the Aussie meat pie and fish and chips remain hugely popular.
The good old Aussie BBQ reinforces meat as the core food in our cuisine. A great love affair with meat, our great weather and our love of the outdoors, put the barbie among our favourite cooking methods and past times. At the heart of Australia Day is the snagger, banger or the good ol’ beef sausage. There’s something about a snag in a roll or slice of bread and today many a Bunnings store will have queues of DIY’ers indulging this great Aussie passion.
I doubt you can find an Australian who today would not have started their day with either Weetbix and a Milo or some toast and Vegemite.
Maybe for lunch, another Aussie icon, a hamburger with beetroot, a Chiko Roll, or if from the West a Mrs Macs pie and if in the East probably a Four & Twenty pie. A classic for dinner tonight for those not going to the Australia day fireworks might be to head down to the local pub for their ‘Pint and Parma” special, a chicken parmigiana and a beer. Then for a treat a massive slice of pav for dessert.
Those waiting at the vantage points to see the fireworks will possibility have a snack on Sao’s, maybe some fairy bread for the kids and some snaggers (cold sausages). Seafood is another Aussie favourite so another popular picnic meal would be a prawn roll. Or something sweet for afters? How about a lamington or a few Tim Tams?
As much as I love travel, Australia is the best country in the world and I for one will be celebrating that we live here. I am happy I was born in this beautiful country and very proud to call myself Australian.
Australia Day is the perfect time to showcase life down under and our major landmarks like Sydney Opera House, Uluru, Bondi, MCG, etc. But I want to include a few photos of the less known landmarks in the west like Wave Rock, Pinnacles and the Kimberley’s.
Now we’re off to Bunnings to grab a sausage in a bun and get on with celebrating the fact we live in such a wonderful country, full of wonderful people from all over the world.
Let the fireworks begin… Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi
What does today’s Google Doodle mean to you? How will you be spending Australia Day? Please leave a comment below and let us know below.
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very nice trip to australia , thanks for your sharing .
Not having much contact with Australians throughout my life made me unaware of how they feel about their history and past. I enjoyed reading your thoughts. The feeling of guilt of the past is very common here in Germany too, because of the WWII, they study at school and take the subject very seriously, but even after a few generations, many still feel guilty of the past.
Love the photos, especially the fireworks ones 😀
Thank you for linking up with #MondayEscapes
These pictures are amazing. Okay, toast with sprinkles?? that is insane! 😉
I really enjoyed this post. Google must customize their Doodles based on where you are located. Sitting in the USA, I had a totally different Google Doodle on Australia Day. Growing up in Texas, I didn’t have much connection to Australia, but living in Malaysia brought me in touch with so many Australians and the cuisine. My daughter fell in love with Fairy Bread and had it served at her birthday party after we returned to America.
Michele {Malaysian Meanders} recently posted…11 Free Activities Onboard the Disney Dream Cruise
Interesting. I know Canada has a ‘Canada Day’ also, but I am not aware of an ‘USA Day’ (oops, I hope I’m not making a fool of myself!). The only close thing would be the 4th of July, the Independence Day. But we do about the same things like you do in Australia on that day.
Anda recently posted…20 Amazing Photos From Hawaii
Australia, the US and canada all have some similar themes in our history. In particular, pioneering people making new lives for themselves, and the flip side of that with how the native or indigenous people fared through it all. Many of us feel the same mixed feelings on our Independence Day. Great, thoughtful post.
Coming to terms with past wrongs is not always an easy thing to do but I think it’s one of the most responsible ways to move forward. In that respect, I think the South Africans with their Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a step in the right direction. I can’t even begin to understand how indigenous peoples, those in Australia and elsewhere, feel; how they can be expected to forget such horrors. It’s sad and chilling the way we have treated each other. I don’t think we can escape responsibility because we weren’t there. The sobering fact is that we are all complicit, it’s now part of who we are.
Marcia recently posted…On Location in New York City
I would love to be in Australia one day during this celebration! Love your description.
Corinne recently posted…Are Your Amazing Travels Full of Smelly Memories?
The history of Australia is definitely taught in schools , and I mean the history as pertaining to white settlement/invasion in such a way that students are taught to reflect on this, as we all should. I thought the google doodle was poignant and a reminder to us all. But on to happier things. Our years of travel have taught us how very fortunate we are in Australia. Our multiculturalism is a very good thing for us and had made our country very diverse. I think that Australian’s are a very sophisticated and open minded nation, moreso than others we have visited. Now I will have a slice of pav please.
Paula McInerney recently posted…The Green Mountain Inn in the Charming Village of Stowe, VT
Incredible portaits you photographed-so beautiful!! Australia Day sounds a lot like Canada Day, which doesn’t surprise me. Except for the weather and the opposite seasons, I think the culture and vibe are pretty similar 🙂
Hi Lyn! Just amazing how much I can relate to what you write! My girlfriend is an Aussie and has taught me to live and enjoy everything around Oz. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi Oi Oi! (Love it!). And all these Wellingtons, Paulovas, Fairy bread, meat pies, sausage rolls, burgers with the lot… You got me hungry now :-D. The only thing I can’t stand is the vegemite bread!. Thanks for the post!
Beautiful photos – and passionately written.