Who’s looking after your pets?

Whether you have a dog, cat, chickens, rabbits or any one of God’s magnificent creatures, I’d be interested in hearing about who looks after them when you’re on vacation. Do you leave them in a pet boarding house, rely on neighbours, family and friends, or leave them in the care of a house sitter?
In the past we’ve had friends and house sitters care for our fur babies, house sitters have all worked out fine and would recommend them as a first option. Would love to have some readers participation on this one.
I have lovely neighbors who just love my pet Mack, infact Mack is so drawn towards them that all they have do is to shout his name and he goes running to them. So whenever we go out, they are too happy to keep him.
When I had my dog I had a neighbour take care of her and after I moved out of that area, a live in pet sitter. Now that she has unfortunately passed away I am a live in pet sitter from time to time and I love it. It gives me extra cash for my wandering as well as much needed doggie fixes. It’s the best option for a pet by far as they are in the comfort of their own home plus the home owner has the security of someone living in. I plan to spend a few months in the UK next year and hope to get a few pet sitting gigs – to save money, explore a new area and get a dog fix!!! Once I retire from my part-time “retirement” job I hope to look after dogs all over the world!
Laurie, profiting from something you love doing, great for the holiday fund.